Scholarship Application


  • Application Deadline: April 1st of the current year.

    You may apply as either a Full-Time Student or a Part-time student. Scholarship amounts differ based on enrollment status.

  • Personal Information

  • School Information

  • Job Information

  • Other Information

  • Soroptimist of Willits offers multiple scholarships to female Willits area high school seniors as well as returning women college students. The amounts of the awards vary depending upon enrollment status. If you are awarded a Soroptimist of Willits Scholarship, you will be required to present proof of registration for the semesters (or quarters) of the award. In addition, the club will request copies of your grades for subsequent semesters. The failure to submit these items results in forfeiture of the monetary award. In general, a 3.0 GPA for your college-level work will be required. There may be exceptions based upon extenuating circumstances.
  • If you are selected, please confirm by typing your name below that you grant Soroptimist International of Willits permission to use your name and likeness for publicity purposes with regards to this award. Your typed signature also indicates that you have read and accepted the terms of the continued eligibility statement.
